
Baby Yoga classes are very much for you and your baby to share yoga, fun and relaxation together.

They are a lovely combination of baby and adult yoga moves, all woven together with action songs and lots of fun.

Both classes are suitable for those of you that are new to yoga as well as those of you who are looking for a gentle reintroduction to yoga after birth. 

We always finish with a shared relaxation each week.

Pre-Mobile Babies

Babies not yet crawling or walking

Suitable from 2 months old until crawling

Mobile Babies

For babies that are on the move a slightly modified class to hold their interest.

Suitable from crawling until around 2 years old

No Equipment Needed:

  • You are welcome to bring your own mat if preferred

  • Baby can go on the mat with you or on a blanket.

  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement